Friday, July 31, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
My follow to on....

So when you go on holidays what the one thing you always make sure is in your bag? Your Hello Kitty mosquito repellant patches of course!!!

Oooooooooooooooo....a Hello Kitty house...just what i've always wanted!!!!!

Now, excuse me crap American accent; "Fed up of stinky whiffs from your babies diaper? Sick of the smell of sick? Carrot puree breath not pleasing your nasal passage? Well have no fear!!! Hello Kitty BABY perfume is here....for all your little persons big odour problems" - SICK!!!

Right so...

Monday, June 8, 2009
Holy Falangie...
Jacob is in it and he looks pretty cool...he turns into a wolf mid-air which is always a good thing!!! As always Edwards doesn't let ya down with his vampire amazingness...i soooooooooooooooooo would!!! Bella and Edward have their first kiss...wowza!!!
And to top off all the amazingness Dakota Fanning is in it as a baddie!!! Oh how could it get any better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now im off to get busy wishing my life away until November comes!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Rocking weekend...
Monday was marathon day. Met the girlies in town and we walked up to the start line. Was brilliant waiting for it to start and everyone cheering once we kicked off. Had such a cool time. One of our girls had to pull out cos her leg was bocked! But other than that we all finished. A few split off but 5 of us stuck together...was so much fun!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Get outta my pub!!!!
It turned out so much better than i expected...it was my first time to even attempt it so im proud that it was edible let alone scrummy!!!!
The liquor was fly and im so gonna make it with every meal now....liquor overdose impending!!!
Now you see it! Now you don't!!! YUM!!!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Bread, Bread, Bread...
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
This woman is seriously undereducated and needs some help!!! This is child abuse!!!!!!!!!! Where the hell are the authorities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE DOESN'T WORK - how can she not have time to feed her children properly!!!!!
Big huge saucepan of homemaid veg and chicken soup would cost you about £10 and would last 2 or 3 dinners!!!!!! WHAT!!!!!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Going a bit mental...
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Then i get to thinking, why the hell do all department stores have cafes!!!?
Have visions of women all tressed up, with hats and gloves, making their day trips into town to do their seasonal clothes shopping...followed around by suck up sales assistances and taking lunch in the cafeteria!
Then leaving in their carriage with stacks of hat boxes filled with tissue paper and clothes!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
Here are a few of his solutions;
- Make ice!! Get a huge big fridge type generator and make a load of iceburgs... wack them up in the North/South pole. Problem Solved. (Only problem being that mass production of ice using massive generators would inevitably more heat = less ice!!!)
- Build Walls around countries!! Prevent the rise of water levels from breaching our land! Hmmmmmmmm....big walls. Nah.
- Dig big holes for the water to go down. Preferably dig them very very deep so the water comes out the other side of the world, drowning them instead of us! Hmmm...again, not gonna happen! Where you gonna put all the earth?!
- Take the water up to the moon. Yeah, nice, lets create nice big water meteors to crash back down to earth and drown us even more!!
- Make all of China (picked China purely because of its mahoosive population!) drink loads of water at the same time. Thus taking lots of water out of the water cycle at any one time!!! Again....hmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!
Basically it aint gonna happen!!! Hahaha!!! :)
Friday, January 23, 2009
Judges suck...i dont wanna watch BBC anyway!!
Today i was up in court! Yes, up in court. I was actually in trouble for the first time in my WHOLE life!!! Crapped my pants! But fear not, i haven't murdered anyone, or robbed any old ladies or suddenly got an arsenistic (is that a word) streak, but alas i commited the most unforgivable sin of them all...i forgot to pay my TV licence....i hear you all gasp in disgust, please refrain from stoning me in the street.
So without any prior warnings, letters, phone calls, knocks on the door, i received a lovely little summons in the post...nice little Christmas present for me! I wouldn't mind if i'd had warnings and ignored them...but no!! I wouldn't mind if i hadn't been collecting TV Licence stamps for ages now preparing myself to hand over €160 to watch a TV that i bought...that i pay an electricity bill for, but just never got around to buying the poxy thing!
So, a bit annoyed that's it's only in my name (when the house is joint owned) and more than a bit pooping my pants at having to face an actual real life judge, i awaited the day of judgement!!!
Then arrives my most feared day. Thanks to working with kids and the disgusting amount of traffic in Dublin City Centre i was late! YES LATE for the almighty judge, most important person in the world!!! And to top it all of, it was a woman! (I always find women who are in a position of power to be complete bitches (God Stacey, could you be anymore judgemental and prejudiced!) talk about power trip, "the suffragettes began our fight to rise to the same status as the men, i shall carry on with this fight but proving my worth. I will use my position to create as much pain and suffering as i can!" - pig).
So i walked in 5 minutes (yes, 5 whole big fat minutes) late and sat amongst everyone else, blending in quite nicely with all the other TV Licence evading scum. The name reading woman called everyone up in turn...guilty? €160 fine...be gone peasant. I sat preying that by some favourable twist of fate i would be towards the bottom half of the list.
No Stacey Sayers called out!!! Yep, you guessed it, i was at the START of the list and missed my slot! So not only was i non-TV Licence paying scum, but i was in contempt of court!!! Contempt of court!!?? I can't even look a policeman in the eye im that scared, how could i be in contempt of court!!!!!!!!
The almighty queen judge looked me straight in the eye (here comes the telling off for being late i thought!) AND WALKED OUT OF THE ROOM! She doth not waste her precious time (on a Friday afternoon no less) on terrible time keeping plebs like me!
Name calling woman told me i had a €500 fine for NOT TURNING UP!!! Huh huh huh!?!?! (she tells me this with a complete lack of irony....im standing in front of you, i did turn up!!) But i could appeal it! Great i thought more work to do....but lets do it! Im rearing to go straight up to the 3rd floor (civic office dont you know) fighting for my rights....when she pipes up 'but there's no point in doing it now, leave it till next week'.... as if i dont have enough to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
O-bam-a O-bam-a
Im actually well happy about this!!! I know it's America and everything is made that bit more dramatic than in the rest of the world, but i do think it's a really good thing to happen!!! It's made America feel proud of itself again, giving them all hope!!! After things like 9/11 and Hurricane Catriona they needed something to make them feel good about themselves again!!! I know a lot of people dont like the arogance of the US as a nation, but it just wouldn't be America without the American Dream!
He is such an amazing orator! Seriously, the man is good!!! He smiles at all the right times, speaks with power and is nice and young! He's definately a leader! My vote (if i'd had one) went to Obama!
He is inheriting one of the worlds most messed up countries though!!! The economy is plop, everyone hates the US, they're in 2 wars (so are we, dont forget!!!!) and the people are generally miserable!!! He's giving everyone hope though. People believe that things can change and life can get better. Dont get me wrong, i know loads of American's are big, fat wealthy big mouths but the normal people are the ones that are truely feeling how special this all is!
Poor Bush, everyone really hates him!!! Hahaha!! I do feel sorry for him though. I think as a person he is actually alright. He's quite funny (funny - haha! Not funny - weird). But seriously, he had to be the most ridiculous president in the whole history of America! He was just utter rubbish! The guy couldn't even speak properly (misunderestimated! Seriously), not a big deal for 'normal' person, but for the leader of the one of the worlds most powerful countries....nah!!!
The actual inaugaration yesterday was quite good. It was so typically American though....big, loud, cheery and dramatic!
Aretha Franklin, a little whisper in your ear love, you're amazing, you're history of music is brilliant. But seriously, give it up now babes! It aint good! Plus, what was going on with the song she sang? Was it God Save The Queen with different words, or am i just completely uneducated!?
One bit made me laugh, was so American! The camera zoomed in on a woman in the crowd who was joining in with The Star Spangled Banner, all proud of her country and she stops in the middle and has a nice big chomp on her chewing gum! Sooooo Violet Beauregard.
In all a good day for the Western World (i say Western cos im damn sure the East still wanna blow the crap out of him!).....
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Went in today (had some money that i'd made from painting so thought i'd treat myself seeing as Lee's gone away for the weekend) and got ambushed by a tall, very camp chinese man. Thought "oh here we go. He's gonna shove loadsa products that i dont want in my face and i'll be scared and buy them".....geez, was i taught a lesson in judging books by covers!!! He was so nice!!!! Literally threw loads of free stuff at me! There were loads of offers, but no signs up or anything!!!! I spent €15 and ended up with about €50 worth of stuff!!!!
Then when i went to the till with my basket of mostly-free goodies the woman at the till told me to buy something else in the skin care range and i'd get ANOTHER gift box of free stuff cos i'd already bought a skin care product!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So picked up a toner for €5 and got a box of free stuff worth €20!!!
Got home and sniffed my heart out as i unloaded my laden bag and gazed at my loot in all it's glory!! Guess who's soaking in the bath tonight!
When going into Lush always ask the assistant to tell you about offers!
The Trials and Tribulations of Poo........

Friday, January 16, 2009
Slumdog Millionaire
But i can honestly say that Slumdog Millionaire deserves every award it has won and will win!!!! It is the most amazingly beautiful film i have ever seen. The story is brilliant, completely original and not what i expected. The filming is so perfect - colours, details, grainy, intense, fast, graphic. The actors are so talented (can't believe how good Skins fella is!). The music is brilliant (soooo downloading some). And the child actors are the most beautiful children! Even the credits are magic.

This is definately one of my favourite films! It's tragic, but happy. There's no sleeze, nudeness, unneccessary violence or swearing. It's thought provoking but not too intense. It's just beautiful.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Sexy Chunky Humus...
- Chick peas - Out of a tin. Wack em in a bowl and mash the hell out of them with a fork. (you can stick them in a food processor but i like a bit of chunk).
- Lemon Juice - Splash it in. I put loads in cos im addicted to the stuff.
- Garlic - Chop it in to titchy little bits (you can crush it but i again i like a little bit of chunk).
- Cumin - A few pinches.
- Salt and pepper - Loads. Do it.
- Chilli - If you fancy a little extra kick stick a few of these in! Love it!
And that's end of our lesson today children.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Va Va Voom

Saturday, January 10, 2009
Top Ten of Face Stuff....

10 - Avon Anew lippy. Meant for older people but it's like cream...smooths on like a fitty and plumps to the max! Never leaves my lips dry and the colours are wicked!!!

9 - Smashbox O-Glow. Amazing! Funky little clear gel that you put on your cheeks and it turns pink...giving you a pretty little pink glow!
8 - Bourjois Lip Tint. Love this...turns your lips a sexy colour that stays for ages...love the pink best!!!
7- Avon Glimmersticks Eyeliner. Im not really mad into doing stuff with my eyes but these are cool. They are creamy and easy to apply and have a nice dark colour. Plus they're windy ones so no sharpening malarky! Always a winner!!! Whoop!
6- Avon Magix. Poifect! Foundation but without the colour. Very cool! Goes on really easily (wack it on with my fingers!!!) and makes my skin feel smooth and scrummy.
5- Rimmel Moisturizing Lipstick. The red one. Such a cool colour...very Land Girlesque. Only one problem is that i dont find it very moisturizing but what ya gonna do! Beauty has it's price!

4- Bourjois Bronzer. Not only does this have amazing packaging (like a bar of chocolate) and brushes on lovely and not too dark...but it smells amazing!!!!!!! and it has slight simmery bits! What more could you want!!!
3 - Lush 'Breath Of Fresh Air' toner. Made with actual real sea water. That alone is amazing! But it smells really fresh and makes my skin feel cool and clean! Love using it....quick spritz and away ya go!
2 - Lush 'Soft Touch' Butter. Even though this is a hand moisturiser i use it sparingly on my face and it makes me feel all smooth. Give the bar a quick rub around my hands to warm it up and melty. Rub my hands together to spread it all out. Let it sink into my hands. Then gently rub my face to get put any residue on it...kapow! FIT!! I use it at night cos it can look a bit greasey and shiny...by morning it's perfect!!
1 - Angels On Bare Skin. Lush cleanser, amazing!! My new definate number one must have!!! Im not completely mad about the smell... i prefer creamy, vanilla-esque smells to fresh, vegetabley ones but this is lovely and moisturizing, full of exfoliating bits and leaves my face AMAZING! Definately using this FOREVER!!!